In our class we have reflected on how important it is we remember the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. We read a lovely story called "Anzac Ted". This was about a bear who went to war and who has been handed down to a small boy from his grandfather. We also read "Dawn Parade" a story of a child's first experience of attending a Dawn Service parade in which their grandfather marches. These stories led to our class sharing their own experiences and provided greater meaning and understanding for those who also attended the Dawn Service parades here in Whangarei and in Auckland.
We also created a wreath of poppies and a field of poppies symbolic of the poppies which flower in the fields where many of our soldiers have fallen.
Our school held a special ANZAC Day liturgy and you can see more of this on our school website. A very moving and special time of remembering.
Lest we forget.